Thursday, December 22, 2005

Which one? Posted by Picasa

Does this picture look fake? Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Christmas Dilemmas

My my. The malls and stores are CRAZY! I am usually already done with my Christmas shopping. I guess having a baby throws off your game. I still need to get T something else, my dad and my mother something. I have no idea what to get any of them. I hate getting presents that are not thoughtful so I hate giving them. I want to get something that they like not just something to say I got them something. Ahhh!

I went to Things Remembered last night just to get two little heart charms engraved to make a bracelet for my sister-n-law and one for my sister. Usually something like that they can do in 5 seconds. Last night the line was out the door and there was no way I was leaving with my engraved hearts in tow that night. I will have to get them tomorrow as T forgot to get my pickup slip when he left for work this morning.

How do you do Christmas? We always did Christmas on Christmas day when we were little then in the afternoon we would go over to our grandparents and do Christmas there. Now that I am grown and live 5 hours from my family there is no way T and I can do Christmas with Itty Bitty at our house Christmas morning and then run over to the grandparents. We either have to give up our little family Christmas at our house or being with the rest of the family. I envy those that have all their family in one town. I want to have Christmas with Itty Bitty in her own house but want to see the rest of the family as well. This year we are going to go to Greenville for Christmas. Next year is up in the air. Any ideas??

Itty Bitty is trying to erase my post and biting my knee because I won't let her. I shall go before it gets erased or I have no knee left.