Wednesday, June 21, 2006

A Little Update with Big News

Ok, so I am seriously bad about this blogging thing. As much time that I spend on my computer you would think that I would squeeze a little of blogging in. I guess I am busy reading other blogs!

On to the update...

Elizabeth is now 17 months old and growing like a weed. She is still small in weight but is growing taller everyday. We think she will be tall and skinny, her Dad is already dreaming of her shooting hoops. She is now getting feeding therapy and we are working toward getting her to eat more and trying different things. One of my main fustrations is that I can not get her to drink from a sippy cup. I have purchased about 15 different kinds of cups to see if one will work. No luck. The only liquid she takes in is from 2 bottles a day, so discouraging!!

She is still enjoying her playgroup and loves to run around with the kids. I have also let her go spend a WHOLE week with her Nana 5 hours away. It was really hard the first time. I know she will be very well taken care of and extremely spoiled but I do miss her when she is gone. She has had 2 week long visits. It gives me a bit of a break and allows all of the family more time to spend with her than what we usually have on just a weekend visit.

Beth's surgery for her owie is still not scheduled. Truth be told I am scared to death therefore I have not called the surgeon and set up a date. Pray that I will have enough peace to do this and hand her over to the surgeon when the time comes.

On to the BIG news...

No, I am not pregnant (at least that I know of). We are ADOPTING!! We are adopting a little boy named Nicolas Lorenzo Ortiz. He was born/is in Guatemala. Nicolas has the "ear issue" just like Beth. He is currently 3 months old as of yesterday. This was a very unexpected event in our life but some of the best things are unplanned. We can truley say that God has lead us into this. We are very excited and nervous at the same time. We pray that we have him home by the end of this year. Adoption is very expensive and as it was unplanned we do not have all of the funds saved up for it. We have stepped out on faith that the funds will be provided as they are due. So far so good!! Keep us in your prayers about this.

My house is still a disaster and it is eating at me everyday. I just do not know what to do with it. My mom says I have too much "junk". When I look at the house as a whole I agree but when I start looking at the "junk" it is not junk anymore, most of it has a value to me. Maybe I should just let go?? I need purging...or a bigger house!!

I really want to get better at blogging but I can't make any promises. Does it matter anyways, no one reads this stuff!!!


Blogger Tuimeltje said...

That's great news!

Elizabeth sounds like such a cutie.

I just read your comment on Rachel's new LJ blog where you mentioned you wanted to leave your name there. If you go to you'll be able to sign up (it's free). That way, you get a username and a blog, but there's no need to use that. You can just put a link to this one. Though playing around with userpics and the userinfo.
If you're signed in, your name will be above the comment you post. You'll also be able to "friend" people, allowing them to see your "friends only" posts. If they "friend" you back, you'll be able to see Rachel's "FO" posts (though she doesn't have any yet. I do, though).
I hope this helps.



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